Photo: the CW 

Internet trolls had a lot to say about Grant Gustin’s body in his latest superhero suit. Fear not, the star of the CW’s The Flash made sure he got the last word.

Fans had a field day after a photo leaked online featuring Gustin wearing what appears to be a newly designed costume for his role on the upcoming season of The Flash. The actor was quickly bombarded with an overwhelmingly negative response to not only the costume, but also his body in it. Keyboard warriors left all kinds of harsh comments about the actor’s slim figure and made digs at how thin he looked.

The 28-year-old quickly shut down all the haters in a long Instagram post. In reference to the costume, Gustin explains that “it’s a cool suit,” but that the team is still working on some kinks. As far as the body-shaming comments go, the TV superhero shares that, “I’ve had 20+ years of kids and adults telling me or my parents I was too thin. I’ve had my own journey of accepting it. But there is a double standard where it’s ok to talk sh*t about a dudes body.”

In the post, he continues to explain that he has a naturally thin body type, and does his best to stay in shape throughout the show’s season. He finishes off by sharing that, “I love the suit that has been designed for me, and I think when everyone sees it in its entirety, you will love it too.”

YAAAS. Shut ? It ? Down?

Check out the full post from Gustin below.

Read this if you have good enough eyes.

A post shared by Grant Gustin (@grantgust) on

The fifth season of The Flash is set to premiere on the CW on Oct. 9. Personally, I can’t wait to see Gustin rocking his new suit.

h/t CNN

About the author

Stephanie Grassullo

Stephanie Grassullo

Stephanie Grassullo is an associate editor at Adventure Publishing Group. In addition to handling toy and licensing news and updates for The Toy Book and The Licensing Book, Stephanie also writes toy reviews and commentaries for the Toy Insider. When she’s not binge-watching old episodes of Gossip Girl, Stephanie is always game for Boggle tournaments—she’s the titleholder Boggle champion in her family, and proud of it! Stephanie firmly believes that there is no awkward moment that can’t be remedied with the help of Bop It. To get to know her better, follow her on Twitter @steph_grass.
