I left the theater after watching Ocean’s 8 wanting to go do something bad. Maybe not as high-stakes as stealing a $150 million piece of jewelry during the MET Gala, but this one-hour-and-50-minute movie boasting a sexy squad of slaying women who swiftly executed their perfect crime got my adrenaline rushing. I wanted to rip my grandma sweater off and run wild through the streets of New York—I’d start the night off with a vodka soda some dude I’d never talk to ever again bought me, devise the perfect scheme, and by morning, I’d somehow have completed it effortlessly all while wearing heels. Instead I went home and back to bed because I really need this job.

Botton line: Ocean’s 8 got me feeling some type of way. I wanted to be as sexy and bad as Debbie Ocean (Sandra Bullock), walking out of Bergdorf Goodman with a new load of stolen jewelry and look ? doing it. Only to later get my ex-boyfriend’s ass sent to jail. I wanted to be Nine Ball (Rihanna) doing smart techy things, such as hacking into the MET’s security system—talk about work work work. In a slightly twisted way, I was empowered by the criminal women in this film. I wanted to take over the world—and Ocean’s 8 made me believe I could do it.

The characters in this movie were fabulous, intelligent, and, fearless. Movies where men are always the evil geniuses are tired, and this is what made this movie unique. I’m also tired of watching female-heavy movies where women are just in the film to be pretty or funny. This was refreshing.

It’s so nice to see a bunch of ladies NOT  planning a wedding or dishing about their dry sex lives over mimosas at brunch . Or working as a cheerleading team trying to win some trophy. Or a movie where a group of girls screw everything up and have to fix it all within one night (starring Melissa McCartney and Rebel Wilson, probably). Ocean’s 8 was captivating, action-packed, tastefully written, and not-at-all corny, considering every celebrity in the freaking universe somehow made an appearance in it.

Compared to most girl group movies, it slayed. This was a real crime and the stakes were high—it wasn’t a chick flick, but an action movie from a female perspective that had its moments of humor and stereotypical chick flick moments— such as Amita (Mindy Kaling) on Tinder, or Daphne Kluger (Anne Hathaway) admitting she doesn’t have any too many female friends because women are hard. All in all though, it stayed true to the action—the women didn’t get sidetracked fixing their makeup and whatnot. They had a mission and they were going to get it done.

Now, I know some will say a lot of sh*t about Ocean’s 8, compared to all the other Ocean’s. It was just an girly version with a girly mission. Just a couple ladiezzzz tryna snag a dazzling diamond necklace—how typical. Men are so much better with more genius plans. Or this movie was just a woman trying to get revenge on her ex-boyfriend. She was probably PMSing. OK enough. Debbie waiting to get revenge on her ex was a small detail. She had planned this heist our before wanting to frame him, and she walked out of the movie showing him that he can’t mess with her. He had put her in jail years ago and now she repaid the favor to him. Now, he’s locked up and she’s rich.

It’s a better watch than the other Ocean’s movies. Why? Because I actually wanted to watch it. TBH I’m not much of an action movie fan, but when you pull in some of my favorite celebs, feature it around one of the most glamorous invite-only bashes of the world, and set it in New York City, it brings the rom-com lovers and chick flicks fiends to theaters (me). They come for the MET Gala, but will stay for this genius plan and leave feeling unstoppable. Ocean’s 8 attracts new audiences—women who wanted an action-packed girl gang movie, and diehard male fans, curious to see how they could reposition this film with all women. And I think there was enough action in the film to keep even the most stubborn among us entertained.

If you’re a woman that doesn’t typically watch action movies, but enjoys your typical chick flick, watch this—there’s enough cutesy moments to keep entertained, without deterring from all the action. You’ll love it. If you’re just looking for a fun summer action movie watch it—it’s fun, and a one-of-a-kind mission. But if you don’t like seeing women being boss b*tches and acting just as devious and skilled as men, lol get off my page.

About the author

Kelly Corbett

Kelly Corbett

Kelly likes to write about internet trash/aspires to be online garbage. She's an editorial assistant at Adventure Publishing Group and she went to some college somewhere where she was a much better person. She writes for The Pop Insider, The Toy Insider, and contributes more professional-sounding content to The Toy Book, and The Licensing Book. In her free time, she likes to nap, go on twitter rants, and eat bagels. She's, like, kinda okay.
