Get ready to fall in love too quickly. What Do You Meme? has partnered with TLC to create the 90 Day Fiancé expansion pack you didn’t know you needed.
The reality series 90 Day Fiancé follows Americans who meet someone abroad (typically online) and bring them over to the U.S. There’s always someone being catfished, lots of drama, and — you guessed it — plenty of meme-able material.
The series is well-known for its spin-offs, including Before the 90 Days, The Other Way, and Around the World in 90 Days (okay, that last one is fake). In the expansion pack, fans can find their favorite — and least-favorite — cast members from multiple shows within the franchise. Memorable moments are featured on 30 image cards and the 50 caption cards feature 90-Day twists.
Players can add the expansion pack into their OG What Do You Meme? for a game that might last longer than some of the marriages in the series. Everyone competes to create the funniest memes with the cards and a rotating judge picks the winner each round.
What Do You Meme? 90 Day Fiancé Expansion pairs well with a glass of wine, a TLC binge, and the kind of friends who would ask you if someone’s just marrying you for a green card.