Order of Assassins, unite!
Dark Horse Direct is blessing fans with a new line of limited-edition collectible books. Officially called “Ultimates,” this series will give readers exclusive art and collectibles alongside an in-depth look at some of their favorite franchises. To celebrate the game’s 15th anniversary, Dark Horse Direct is starting off the collection with Assassin’s Creed.
The Making of Assassin’s Creed: 15th Anniversary Ultimate Edition provides players with 240 gold-gilded pages of concept art for the Ubisoft hit game series; two gallery-quality lithograph prints inside a portfolio; and an exclusive metal art plate featuring Assassin’s Creed: Revelation’s main protagonist, Ezio, climbing up an olden tower.

Collectors will also receive a double-sided gold coin that sports the 15th-anniversary crest. Engraved underneath the crest is the phrase “Leap Into History.” The coin slots into a hole in the book’s cover.
Fans can preorder The Making of Assassin’s Creed: 15th Anniversary Ultimate Edition on darkhorsedirect.com for $199.99 and expect the book to be delivered to their doorstep by August. The books are only limited to 1,000 copies, so get yours fast!
Dark Horse Direct plans to offer fans more limited-edition Ultimates titles throughout the year.