Death Saves D&D Mind Flayer Ring

Death Saves D&D Mind Flayer Ring

Dungeons & Dragons isn’t just a game — it’s a lifestyle. If you haven’t heard of Death Saves yet, get with the program. Founded by Joe Manganiello and designer Damian Higgins, the badass streetwear company caters to D&D fans and others who are into the fantasy genre, putting the heavy metal feel back into the brand.

We’re giving you an exclusive first look at the new Mind Flayer Ring, inspired by one of the most popular D&D monsters: the Mindflayer. Crafted by Geoff Thomas out of 92.5% sterling silver, this incredibly detailed ring features hyper-stylized, 3D textures. Channeling the shadowy mystery of the game, there’s a surprise vignette hidden on the inside of the ring, showcasing the dread of one of the Mindflayer’s victims.

Death Saves D&D Mind Flayer Ring

The ring will be available soon, with an approximate cost of $750.

Check out to see the current line of apparel, accessories, and artwork.

Photo: Death Saves

About the author

Jackie Cucco

Jackie Cucco

Jackie Cucco was a Senior Editor of The Toy Book, The Toy Insider, and The Pop Insider. She covered toy trends, pop culture, and entertainment news, and made appearances on national and regional outlets, including CBS, WPIX, News 12, and more. Jackie spends her time watching horror movies and working her way through every Stephen King novel out there.
