Good news for all the fans who’ve been anxiously awaiting the release of Dragon Quest Your Story since its release in Japan last year: It’s available on Netflix — now!

The beloved Dragon Quest video game series from Square Enix follows a young boy named Luca’s journey as he saves his mother from unimaginable evil. The film follows the same story as Luca runs to rescue her from a high-ranking member of the crime-organization the Order of Zugzwang. In the trailer below, Luca comes to terms with being a hero.

Fans of Dragon Quest can also find Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age and Dragon Quest Builders 2 on Playstation 4, STEAM, and Nintendo Switch.

Photo: Netflix

About the author

Nicole Savas

Nicole Savas

As a kid, Nicole either wanted to be a professional toy player-wither or a writer. Somehow, as social media director for The Toy Insider, The Toy Book, and The Pop Insider, she’s found a career as both. She's grateful to work somewhere that she can fully embrace both her love of teddy bears and her admiration for the Oxford comma. When she's not playing with toys at work, she's playing with her baby girl at home.
