Naruto: Shippuden, based on the second part of the Naruto manga by author Masashi Kishimoto, is an incredibly popular shounen anime. It features a whole cast of ninja characters with fun designs, a bunch of powers, and a range of personalities. Now, Fanhome is bringing those characters to its subscription box service with the new Naruto Shippuden Figurine Collection.
Each month, subscribers to the collection will receive a figure of a Naruto character, standing about 3-5 inches tall. Along with the figure, subscribers will also get an illustrated monthly magazine featuring information about Naruto: Shippuden lore, characters, and more.
Naruto (in a variety of poses), Kakashi, Sakura, Mizuki, and Nagato are just a few of the available characters in this line. Each figure is made of PVC and hand-painted to maximize detail. Subscribers will also receive bonus gifts in some shipments. For example, those who subscribe now will get a Naruto Shippuden Wallet in their 12th package.
Fanhome has a whole selection of pop-culture-based subscription boxes if you want even more geeky goodness to show up at your door. The company’s Star Wars Encyclopedia collection, for example, will deliver a new Star Wars encyclopedia each month. Every volume is tailored to a specific character, ship, weapon, or other Star Wars element.
Subscribe to the Naruto Shippuden Figurine Collection now to start your ninja figure collection! The first package is heavily discounted at $4.99, and then each subsequent month’s package is $14.99, making it a reasonably inexpensive option for those looking to have a robust Naruto collection.