Somewhere there is a crime happening … and that crime is not getting Fanhome’s RoboCop Build-Up Model. Fanhome collaborates with MGM Consumer Products to bring fans a realistic model to complete their RoboCop collection. 

This model honors the hero from the 1987 film to your home like never before. This detailed cyborg officer features incredible details, full articulation, and a metallic paint and polish finish. Collectors can obtain a 24.4-inch tall replica that includes a working pop-out holster with a removable pistol and sound effects that produce memorable quotes from the movie.

Fanhome’s subscription service has three steps to help you complete your RoboCop model. The first monthly package includes two assembly stages with a step-by-step assembly guide. You’ll then receive monthly subscriptions, which include four assembly stages to complete your RoboCop replica. 

And still, there’s more. Each month, fans will receive an exclusive magazine that reveals behind-the-scenes information about the RoboCop franchise. This item includes many intriguing elements, including production secrets, a detailed analysis of how the creative team created RoboCop, insight into the animated and live-action spin-off TV series, and knowledge about the advanced research that makes real-life robots.

Guess what? There’s even more RoboCop to enjoy! Fans will also receive special items at various stages of their subscription, such as an officially licensed RoboCop external battery, a backpack, a branded T-shirt, a baseball cap, and a binder. 

Collectors can subscribe to receive their Fanhome RoboCop Build-Up Model at As a bonus, subscribers will also receive a miniature RoboCop bust!  

About the author

Taylor Battle

Taylor Battle

Taylor is an editorial intern for Adventure Media & Events, writing content for The Toy Insider, The Pop Insider, and The Toy Book. Between reading fantasy novels and re-watching Disney classics, she can be found building houses in The Sims 4. Taylor is passionate about creating and is always looking to try new things.
