Photo: Branding Forum
Netflix and chill is great and all, but sometimes there’s nothing like that fresh popcorn, bouncy seat, humongous screen experience.
With streaming services becoming more and more popular, IMAX is taking the “If you can’t beat them, join them,” route. At the Goldman Sachs Communacopia Conference last week, IMAX CEO Richard Gelfond said, “We’re in active discussions with all of the streaming [services] about an IMAX release.”
Gelfond went on to say, “It’s inevitable that these big blockbusters that people are spending all this money on, are going to have a theatrical release and I think almost certainly an IMAX release.”
Something to consider is why people would pay extra to see something that they’ve already paid for at home with their streaming services—unless they take part in a subscription service, such as AMC’s Stubs A-List, which allows subscribers to see up to three movies a month in any format, including 2-D, 3-D, or IMAX.
“The closest analogy I have is, if an airline said to you, you can sit in first class and drink champagne or you can sit in the back row. So where are people going to go?” Gelfond said. “I noticed from informal discussions that a lot of them are going to IMAX.”
h/t The Verge