Since its release in 1990, Home Alone has maintained a steady presence among the most beloved Christmas movies. While Kevin McCallister’s family might have forgotten him on that fateful Christmas morning 31 years ago, LEGO is making sure that this Christmas season, the rest of us never forget Kevin and his adventures.
Today, The LEGO Group unveiled its new LEGO Ideas Home Alone set, a replica of the McCallister Chicago home from the movie. The largest LEGO Ideas set to date, this replica is made up of 3,957 pieces and comes with five key minifigures from the film: Kevin, Harry, Marv, Kate, and old man Marley. Your favorite villains also get their own moment of LEGO spotlight, as the set features the Oh-Kay Plumbing van and a treehouse with a zipline!
LEGO Ideas is a website run by Chaordix and the Lego Group that allows users to submit ideas for LEGO products to be turned into potential sets available commercially. The Home Alone LEGO Ideas set was designed by LEGO fan Alex Storozhuk from Ukraine and is arriving just in time for the Home Sweet Home Alone reboot, which is set to air on Disney+ on Nov. 12.
The Home Alone fun doesn’t stop here! To vindicate this often-abandoned Christmas legend, LEGO is launching a global Kevin McCallister search that will take place from Nov. 1-30. A Kevin LEGO minifigure will be hidden on and in select LEGO stores across the world. If they find him, fans can scan the QR code to enter a contest with the chance to win a $1,000 LEGO gift card and the new Home Alone Set. In addition to the minifigures, life-sized Kevin McCallister figures will be placed in and around select LEGO stores, also featuring a QR code for fans to enter the competition.
The LEGO Ideas Home Alone set will be available for purchase for $249.99 in LEGO Retail Stores and from starting on Nov. 1. This set is definitely something Harry and Marv would try to get their slimy hands on!