Last year, Pokémon Center and The Wand Co. teamed up to launch replicas of iconic Poké Balls. Now, the two companies are shrinking down their replicas while keeping all of their awesomeness in tact.
The new Mini Poké Ball Replicas were inspired by Pokémon trainers who carried their Poké Balls around on their belts. They feature the same construction as the full-size Poké Ball replicas, complete with touch and proximity sensing technology. The Mini Poké Ball Replicas will also come with a touch-controlled display stand with an illuminated Pokémon logo and a display ring. Each Mini Poké Ball Replica will also come with a collectible token featuring a different Pokémon silhouette.
The Mini Poké Ball Replicas will launch next month, with the Mini Great Ball, Mini Ultra Ball, Mini Cherish Ball, and Mini Premier Ball releasing throughout the year. The two companies will also release new full-size Poké Ball replicas, including the Beast Ball Replica coming in October and more next year.
Pokémon trainers new and old can agree that the Mini Poké Ball Replica is a great way to add a touch of fandom to your desk at work or your collection at home, it’s the perfect size!