If your evenings are consumed by The One Ring — a roleplaying game (RPG) based on J. R. R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth — prepare to open and expand your mind (and gameplay).

Moria — Through the Doors of Durin ($45.62) is a campaign expansion book for The One Ring, and it’s currently available to preorder now. Fans might recall that during the crowdfunding campaign, this module was funded in four minutes, raised more than $1 million dollars, and unlocked 19 stretch goals.
It’s set in the years before Balin’s expedition and features Patrons, foes, and Landmarks. It also includes encounters and treasures that Loremasters can utilize to craft their own adventures in Moria, like a simple journey or grand campaign. Wade through the dark or retake Durin’s Halls — you can do anything.
With text and images, the expansion describes the city of the Dwarves, as well as the surrounding lands, as they existed in the final years of the Third Age. Each region of Moria is detailed, including the Landmarks, factions, and non-player characters that are available for the Loremaster to use — like how The Mansion of the Dwarves section of the book describes Landmarks and hazards in different regions of Moria. In the Fell Foes section, Lord of the Rings fans can learn about the Orcs and other enemies that can be found in the city, as well as rules for encounters with Durin’s Base.

Another section of the book, And at the Gates, the Trumpets Rang, features the rivals, allies, and Patrons in the quest for Moria, in addition to a history of the Dwarven city. In Journeys in the Dark, Loremasters will read about the journey rules that are adjusted for underground exploration, Moria-specific Undertakings, and advice on running campaigns and games set in the city.
While it is available to preorder now at freeleaguepublishing.com, Aug. 1 marks the official release — but there’s more! On the same day, another version will be officially released: Moria — Shadow of Khazad-dûm ($45.62). This version is for the 5E edition of The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying and is also available to preorder.
If you haven’t entered Middle-earth yet, you can learn more about the RPG at freeleaguepublishing.com.