Gotta spook ’em all!
Halloween is getting close, and that means that Pokémon Center — the online retailer for all things Pokémon — has revealed its annual collection of merch for this spooktacular holiday.
This year’s collection features three product lines. First up is the Pokémon Spooky Celebration collection, which features yard statues showcasing Pikachu, Eevee, and Gengar, along with other home decor and accessories including a treat bowl, signs, and apparel.
Next up is the Haunted Pokémon Village, which is a line of collectible Halloween figures featuring Pokémon including Frillish, Lickitung, Pansage, and Oranguru.

Then there’s the Pokémon Pumpkin Celebration line, which will be available soon. Like last year’s Pumpkin Party collection, this lineup will feature various Pokémon — including Pikachu, Piplup, Snorlax, and Scorbunny — dressed up for trick-or-treating. There will also be plush keychains in this collection, featuring Dreepy, Drifblim, Litwick, and Toxel.
Many of this year’s Halloween items are available to shop now from Pokémon Center, but keep checking back for additional releases! While supplies last, trainers will also get a Haunted Pokémon Village Treat Bag with any eligible Pokémon Center purchase shipped to a U.S. address.
Click the link below to check out the full collection!