The Pokémon Squishmallows made their debut at SDCC. | Source: Jeremy Padawer, Jazwares

“Gotta catch ‘em all” is one saying that Pokémon and Squishmallows fans have in common, always on the hunt for their favorite hard-to-find characters. The two brands are teaming up to give fans the ultimate plush collaboration, exclusively revealed at Comic-Con International: San Diego (SDCC) yesterday. 

Pikachu Squishmallow | Source: Jazwares

The Squishmallows x Pokémon collection is a collaboration between Jazwares and The Pokémon Co., giving Electric-type Pokémon Pikachu and Ghost- and Poison-type Pokémon Gengar a Squishmallows makeover that will appeal to collectors of both brands. The plush characters are currently on display at Jazwares’ Booth No. 3513 at SDCC, and will launch this fall on 

Related: SDCC: Here Are All of the Merch-Focused Panels That Collectors Can’t Miss

The popularity of Squishmallows has skyrocketed since its debut in 2017. There are now more than 1,500 Squishmallows to collect, ranging from 2-24 inches in size, each with its own personality. Most of the original characters have collectible hangtags with birthdates (AKA “squishdates”) and bios as well. The plush line has multiple extensions, including Flip-A-Mallows, HugMees, Squish-Doos, Stackables, Squishville, and other consumer products, such as apparel, accessories, home decor, pool floats, and more.

About the author

Jackie Cucco

Jackie Cucco

Jackie Cucco was a Senior Editor of The Toy Book, The Toy Insider, and The Pop Insider. She covered toy trends, pop culture, and entertainment news, and made appearances on national and regional outlets, including CBS, WPIX, News 12, and more. Jackie spends her time watching horror movies and working her way through every Stephen King novel out there.
