Kids Parents say the darndest things.
The sky is blue. Grass is green. Parents love talent competitions. And sitcoms. And The Bachelor (but TBH so do I, so no judgment here).
And, as it turns out, they have a lot to say about it. Log on to Facebook at any given moment and you’ll likely see Sally’s mom gushing about The Bachelorette Becca’s new suitors, while your dad is laughing at Modern Family in the other room, and your grandma is calling the house to discuss the Dancing with the Stars finale results. Parents, aren’t they the cutest?
Laugh all we want, but at the end of the day, we all know we are going to be right on the couch next to them invested in a back-to-back-to-back marathon of The Big Bang Theory (does TBS even air anything else?). You win, mom, you win.
So, what is it about these shows that make our parents rant and rave? We ran a few hard-hitting questions by some of our favorite ‘rents. They did not disappoint.
We’re not laughing at you, we’re laughing with you?
Hot Take: The Bachelor and The Bachelorette
We pressed the mother-daughter duo Gloria and Cynthia S, and mother of three Donna P, on Bachelor Nation. They had some feelings.
What did you think of what went down with Arie last season?
G&C: We think Arie’s season was good, but in the end it was upsetting. Arie wasn’t truthful about his feelings, therefore, Becca was hurt tremendously. ABC wasn’t fair, but I guess it was for the ratings.”
DP: I felt bad for Becca. I didn’t really like Arie. If he had feelings for Lauren he should have never proposed to Becca.
Truer words have never been spoken.
If you had to choose one of these three Becca hopefuls with bizarre jobs for your daughter to bring home on her hometown date, who would it be?
Ryan, Banjoist
Jean Blanc, Colognoisseur
Kamil, Social Media Participant
G&C: “Jean Blanc, Colognoisseur. My reasoning for choosing him is that he seems to be well-educated, receiving a Master’s degree from Duke in business administration, and also working as an engineer. It also doesn’t hurt that he is a colognoisseur, since I love scents!”
DP: If I had to choose one of the three for my daughter for a hometown date I would choose Ryan.
Sorry, Kamil. The odds are not in your favor!
Based on the list that ABC released last week, what are your early predictions for:
First impression rose
G&C: Colton who is 23 and has a non-profit Cystic Fibrosis foundation for his cousin. He has cute dimples and he seems sincere!
DP: Colton.
Hometown Dates
G&C: Jason seems to be a family man and that’s appealing; Kamil because he is from Poland, and we have a bit of Polish in us; Kent because he is a risk-taker and loves to travel; and Colton for his sincerity.”
DP: Joe, Colton, Garrett, and Ryan
Season Villain
G&C: I’m not sure yet. Anyone can surprise you!”
DP: Jordan.
My money is on their picks!
Hot Take: The Big Bang Theory
Mothers Terri A and Lidia G both name The Big Bang Theory as their guilty pleasure (every other parent ever also agrees).
Which character would play you in a show about your life? Why?
TA: I think that Leonard would play me in a show about my life. He is very trusting and feels that he is not deserving of things. However, he is kind and well liked.
LG: Sadly, it would be Leornard because we want to be cool, but we have accepted that we are just likable nerds.
Who’s your favorite couple on the show?
TA: “My favorite couple is Penny and Leonard. They are a very unlikely pair but they work. They are the most normal couple on the show. :)”
LG: “My favorite couple is Penny and Leonard because they are complete opposites. She’s pretty, witty, not considered very smart, but actually has a lot of common sense and loves wine. Leonard is a straight shooter, nerd, who is extremely smart, but lacks Penny’s social skills. Therefore their personalities compliment each other and highlight the best in each other!”
“She’s pretty, witty, not considered very smart, but has a lot of common sense, and loves wine,” is also how I would describe myself on a dating site.
If you could set up Raj with any fictional character from any other TV show (male or female) who would you choose?
TA: I would set up Raj with Elaine from Seinfeld. Always looking for love and can’t find it. Also, they are both a little “out there.”
LG: Bonny Plunkett from Mom because she’s confident and funny. She would force Raj to loosen up and overcome his shyness.
Hot Take: Modern Family
Husband and wife John and Lynda B spend many a night tuning into Modern Family. Why? Because…
Which of the families is most like your own?
JB: The family most like ours is Claire and Phil. They are both a little nutty like us, and the kids just roll with it.
LB: The Dunphys are most like my own family. Probably because of all the craziness in their house and all the different things going on at once and the way they try to juggle it all.
If you could only choose one, which child from the show would you want as your own?
JB: The kid I would want is Alex. She is very smart and could answer all my questions!
LB: The kid I would most like to have as my own would be Alex. I think it would be easier to try to help her socialize more and not only be about school than it would be to deal with any of the other kids on the show, with all the trouble they tend to get into or just that they are kind of annoying.
Which character would you want at your next party?
JB: Phil. He is funny and always doing crazy things, and he could do some magic!
LB: Cameron. His personality is so electric and he is just plain hysterical. His melodrama would spice up any party.
Hot Take: The Voice
Which of this season’s judges would be the first one voted off the island?
LG: I would vote Kelly off the island because she’s too emotional and chatty. She wouldn’t carry her weight.
Who’s a former or current judge you hope will never return?
LG: CeeLo Green because I found him boring and not very personable.
What team would you pick to be on?
LG: I would probably be on Blake’s team because he always brings the most contestants to the finale and he has had the most winners. #Winning!
Hot Take: Dancing with the Stars
Did you have to google any of the DWTS season 26 “celebrity” contestants to find out who they actually are ?
TA: I did not know many of the celebrity contestants. I first asked my daughter who they were, and if she didn’t know, I googled them.
DP: I didn’t know who all the athletes were and I looked them up to see who they were.
^Me every time ABC announces the new DWTS contestants.
Which pairing from season 26 was the best?
TA: The ultimate dream team was Adam and Jenna. They had such love for each other. Loved her smile!
DP: I loved Adam and Jenna and felt they were definitely the dream team.
Are you pleased with this season’s winners? Was anyone robbed?
TA: I was rooting for Adam Rippon. I did think that Mirai and Alan should have made the finals. She was great! I believe that she lost Americas votes because of her rudeness.
DP: I was rooting for Adam and Jenna. I felt Mirai and Alan were robbed, they should have been in the finals.