It’s no secret that collecting prop replicas can be an expensive venture. But Factory Entertainment, a company known for creating those replicas, is offering an alternative for fans who may be limited by space or budget.
Enter Scaled Prop Replicas, a new line of collectibles that offer smaller versions of movie props. Though not as small as its Kuzos line, the new collectibles are large enough to have the same precision and detail as a full prop replica, but at a fraction of the price and size.
The company kicked off its Scaled Prop Replicas collection this weekend with three tridents inspired by Aquaman (2018). Available in three styles modeled after those of Aquaman, Atlanna, and Orm, these tridents are 12 inches long and cost only $29.99 each.
Each trident is made of solid metal and is copied directly from the original movie prop. The tridents also come in display packaging.
This is just the start for Factory Entertainment’s Scaled Prop Replicas. There are replicas on the way for properties including Masters of the Universe, Star Trek, The Lord of the Rings, Thunder Cats, Batman, and Wonder Woman. If there is a scaled God Killer sword on the way, definitely consider it on my wishlist!
Preorder the Aquaman prop replica tridents here, and stay tuned for more additions to the line.