Photo: Snapchat
Did you wish Harry Potter a happy birthday today? In honor of the birthday boy who lived, Snapchat released a 3-D Harry Potter Bitmoji Lens that might be worth re-downloading the app for.
The augmented reality lens places your Bitmoji avatar in Harry Potter-esque situations—such as playing quidditch—and filters it over your smartphone’s camera, so that your character appears to be wizarding around in the real world. It’s available through the Lens Carousel on Andorid and iOS.
Let’s take a step back. If you don’t know what Bitmoji is, are you even really living? Bitmoji is an app where you can customize a cartoon character to look just like you, and then play around with it on your phone, placing it in Snapchat filters (after linking the two apps), or sending it in text messages. With this magical update, maybe Instagram will consider sprucing up their filter game, which is seriously lacking.
You can also spice up your Harry Potter Bitmoji with whatever Hogwarts House you’re convinced you should be in. Live out those Gryffindor dreams, Muggles!
h/t Engadget