Your favorite Robots in Disguise are ready to take on yet another form: As pawns, knights, bishops, rooks, kings, and queens on a chessboard!
Eaglemoss’ Hero Collector has partnered with Hasbro to launch an official Transformers chess set campaign on Kickstarter. If sufficiently funded, the chess set will feature 32 game pieces: 16 Autobots and 16 Decepticons, each taking the place of a classic chess piece. The hand-painted game pieces will feature a variety of Transformers in their robot forms, modeled after the classic Generation One Transformers cartoon from the ’80s. Of course, Optimus Prime and Megatron stand as the opposing kings, while Hot Rod is an Autobot knight, Bumblebee and Prowl are Autobot pawns, Starscream is the Decepticon queen, and Soundwave and Shockwave are Decepticon pawns. Each Transformer piece stands 4-6 inches tall, atop bases that feature the corresponding chess piece symbols.

The set also comes with a Cybertron-themed chessboard, complete with color-coded symbols in Autobot red or Decepticon purple.
The Kickstarter campaign officially launched today, and it will remain active for 42 days. Hero Collector needs to raise $300,000 to successfully fund the set. The campaign features a variety of rewards for different backing levels, too: Contribute $10 for an exclusive Transformers pin, $50 to get the pin and an Optimus Prime chess piece; $600 to get the complete chess set and a 272-page book profiling the characters in the chess set; $650 to get the set, the book, and a special replacement king (Galvatron); and $700 or more to get the set, the book, and two replacement kings (Galvatron and Rodimus Prime).
To learn more about the set and to back the project, visit
The Hasbro team revealed this project today as part of a larger, Transformers-themed Fan First Friday livestream. Click here to check out the full presentation!