Things are only impossible until they’re not.
After years of research and designing, the Wand Co. has finally unveiled its fully functional prop replica of the Tricorder. The device was commonly used by the members of the Starfleet to analyze data (among other futuristic tasks) in Star Trek and has been something fans have wanted to call their own for more than 50 years.
The Tricorder will cost fans about $250, but it has the ability to measure the environment, scan radio frequencies, record audio, and — more importantly — it just looks so effin’ cool! Check out the most beautiful reveal video you’ll ever see in your life below.
Fans will have to wait until 2021 to get out in the field with their Tricorder, but they can register to get any and all alerts about the device right here. More details of the functionality will be announced later this year, but it has a full-color LCD screen, which displays info and data gathered by its sensors.
This also means that fans will finally have access to everything that a good Landing Party needs. The Wand Co. previously launched the Star Trek Phaser and Bluetooth Communicator prop replicas.