Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure Phone Booth Replica from Cubicall

A most excellent prop replica could be coming to your office in (and possibly from) the near future.

The time-traveling phone booth seen in Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure has been converted into a privacy booth by custom phone booth company Cubicall, making the replica both a realistic piece of memorabilia and a functioning privacy solution for your workplace.

If the Bill and Ted phone booth looks especially familiar this week, you might have seen it featured in Walmart’s “Famous Visitors” commercial during Super Bowl 54, or maybe it’s just been on the brain since the third installment in the Bill and Ted series is coming to theaters this fall.

The Cubicall recreation features an authentic, working payphone retrofitted for landline service, plus the classic antenna that’s key in the booth’s time-travel abilities. Like all of Cubicall’s booths, the Bill and Ted model is highly practical as a privacy booth for modern offices, offering a secluded space to focus, take a call, or get a break from office distractions.

If you’re in the market for one of these stellar booths, you better jump on it in the present, as the offering is only available for a limited time. And with an $8,495 price tag, here’s hoping you’re totally tight with your office manager.

The booths are now available for preorder with shipping expected in May.

Photo: Cubicall

About the author

Ben Goren

Ben Goren

Ben Goren is an Editorial Assistant for the Toy Insider, the Pop Insider, and leading toy industry magazine the Toy Book. Ben loves cooking, graphic design, and is a sucker for an animated short. He is a dog person, a comedy nerd, and quite the intense game night host.
