Avengers: Endgame Premiere

After initially falling prey to record- and internet-breaking ticket demand — leaving frustrated fans frantically refreshing the website in hopes of securing tickets — AMC is doing its best to prepare for the premiere of Avengers: Endgame, the penultimate film in phase three of the MCU.

If it seems like movie showtimes are scheduled nearly around the clock, you’re not wrong. The cinema chain announced that 29 of its theaters will be open nonstop from Thursday through Friday, with another 18 open nonstop from Thursday through Saturday — all for Endgame. Plus, another 17 additional AMC locations are opening for 72 hours straight between Thursday night and Sunday. And that’s not even considering the 22-movie Marvel Marathon that’s underway. (Whew, good luck to all those concession employees.)

Obviously, Endgame is the biggest of deals for fans worldwide, but what about for box offices? The internet is full of thoughts, with some current projections liberally putting the domestic opening around $300 million, and the worldwide opening near $1 billion. Nope, not a typo. According to Deadline, in order to make a billion-dollar global opening weekend, the haul in both China and the U.S. have to over-perform and exceed projections.

With the global premiere tonight and U.S. previews starting tomorrow evening, we won’t have to wait too long for an answer.

H/T Deadline

Photo: Getty Images

About the author

Sierra McCleary-Harris

Sierra McCleary-Harris

Sierra McCleary-Harris is a senior editor at Adventure Publishing Group, editing and producing content for the Toy Insider, the Toy Book, and the Pop Insider. If she's not at her desk, you can find her somewhere doing a puzzle, losing it over the latest arts and crafts, or hanging out with her kitties Hazelnutz & Pepper Ann.
