I’m feeling foxy this week and I’m willing to spread the love. Foxes are known for being clever and beautiful creatures, and it’s a shame that so many get killed for the fur trade. But there are good people out there who take it upon themselves to rescue these wild animals and give them another chance at life. And luckily, some of them are documenting it all on Instagram so we can all get a glimpse at their stories.
Here’s some of my favorite fox friends living large online:
Most Educational: Fox Friends Sanctuary Inc. (@kristenspack)
Fox Friends Santuary Inc. is a non-profit wildlife sanctuary that helps care for and rehabilitate foxes, including owner surrenders, sick foxes, and rescues. Follow the stories of each adorable fox and get to know their personalities and quirks.
Biggest Sweetie: Axel (@our_fox_axel)
After being rescued from a fur farm, Axel the red fox is now chilling out and enjoying domesticated life. When he gets tired of running around like a mad man, you can catch him sleeping like a little fox angel. Look for videos of him playing with his humans and doggo siblings.
Best Dressed: Koda (@kodathefox)
Koda is a 5-year-old Australian rescue fox who moonlights as a supermodel. Catch her modeling the latest in tutus, hoodies, and printed bandanas.
Most Adventurous: Woody (@woody_the_fox)
Woody the red fox was saved from a fur farm because animals are more stylish alive than dead. He is now living his best life enjoying nature, including playing in the snow, swimming in the creek, and running in the grass.
Most Diverse: Northern Neverland Foxes (@northern.neverland.foxes)
See foxes of all shapes and sizes at this fox rescue in central Michigan. If they can all get along, maybe there’s hope for the rest of us. Bonus points for all the adorable fuzzy baby pics!
Most Inspirational: Sunny (@sunnyfoxfamily)
Sunny was found badly wounded, and was saved from the brink of death in the Ukraine. The captions are not in English most of the time, but follow for adorable photos of this cuddle muffin, and plenty of throwbacks to when he or she was an itty bitty furbaby.
Most Spoiled: Oliver (@oliver_the_silver_fox)
Move over, Anderson Cooper—you’re not the only silver fox in town. Oliver the silver fox rescue has done well for himself in his new home, with comfy couches to lounge on, his own meal prep service, and dog and cat friends to keep him company.
Happiest: Juniper and Fig (@juniperfoxx)
Juniper and Fig can be shy at times but they always seem to have a smile on their faces. Check them out for videos of them playing and snuggling around the house, with plenty of appearances by their puppy friends.
Friendship Goals: Chester and Co. (@chester_the_fox)
Chester is a handicapped redfox who can usually be found sitting in the sun and bird watching. He loves playtime with his kitty and puppy siblings, like The Fox and the Hound come to life.
Most Energetic: Phoenix (@phoenix.the.fox)
This little guy is always on the go, as wide-eyed and bushy-tailed as me after my third espresso of the day. He loves attention—and ice cream cones too.