After it was announced that director James Gunn would helm The Suicide Squad reboot, now working around his Marvel schedule for Guardians of the Galaxy 3, many fans wondered what else would be in store for THE anticipated follow-up film.
Gunn posted an image on his Instagram story yesterday seemingly teasing what could be a major influence on the upcoming film. He posted the cover for the comic book Suicide Squad, written by John Ostrander, even using the hashtags #suicidesquad and #johnostrander in his photo. While only a rumor at this point, it seems like Gunn plans to use Ostrander’s comics as inspiration for the new adaptation.
The cover that Gunn shared is based on the Trial by Fire book, the first volume in the Suicide Squad series. The story introduces readers to Amanda Waller, a tough federal agent, who captains Task Force X in response to the world’s biggest super-villains.
In addition to taking inspiration from the original comics, many familiar faces from the first film will return, joined by new face Idris Elba.
The Suicide Squad is set for a theatrical release on Aug. 6, 2021.
Photo: Instagram/ James Gunn