Hello Insiders!

If you’re fond all things dark, creepy, and weird, and you have an inexplicable obsession with all things mysterious and macabre, you identify strongly with ’90s horror movies, and even though your “goth” phase ended more than a decade ago, everything in your closet is still black, then you’re probably just as excited to watch American Horror Story: Apocalypse as I am.

Welcome to the beginning of American Horror-Scope, where you can get your weekly analysis of every frightening and disturbing twist and turn of American Horror Story I can handle watching through my fingers.

Apocalypse, the eighth installment of American Horror Story, the anthology horror series on FX, premieres on September 12 at 10 p.m.

Based on the promos and teasers AHS has released so far, it’s safe to say that this season is going to be packed with suspense and lots of terrifyingly evil encounters.

Here’s what we’ve got to look forward to:

The theme is apocalypse. The new eye-catching posters depict a demon baby being touched by a familiar demonic black clawed hand, which has appeared in several posters from previous seasons, plus they’ve given us an eerie teaser of the demon handling the baby while a lullaby is played.


And of course, they’ve put out a few of their infamously creepy teasers.

Ryan Murphy gave us a very intriguing bit of insight to the series’ overall theme on Instagram, with the caption “interesting,” and an annotated list of the nine stages of Hell from Dante’s Inferno, in which two of the stages are un-claimed by previous seasons, giving us a hint at what the final two seasons will have in store:


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It’s been confirmed that this season will be a crossover between Murder House and Coven, which means we’ll see a lot of returning cast members, including Jessica Lange (Murder House, Asylum, Coven, Freak Show), Kathy Bates (Coven, Freak Show, Hotel, Roanoake), Stevie Nicks (Coven), Emma Roberts (Coven, Freak Show), Lily Rabe (Murder House, Asylum, Coven, Roanoake), Connie Britton (Murder House) and Dylan McDermott (Murder House).

Of course, MVP’s Sarah Paulson and Evan Peters will be returning as new characters, and with so many cast members appearing in multiple seasons we can most definitely expect to see a few of the actors doubling up as their storylines begin to intertwine. How cool is that!?!?

Between all of the teasers and hints Ryan Murphy keeps dropping, it’s easier to connect the dots and draw the lines between the AHS worlds.

Remember that adorable toddler from the house next door who murdered his babysitter? Well, apparently he’s been very busy becoming the Antichrist.


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AHS has always delivered in the aesthetics department, although no season has been able to outdo Lady Gaga’s debut as the Countess, in Hotel.  But this season promises to bring an exceptional element of glamor, with Dynasty’s Joan Collins joining the cast as Evan Peter’s grandmother, and Billy Porter from Pose (Ryan Murphy’s other smash hit on FX).

FX released a blockbuster thriller-style trailer on Sept. 5, giving us the first glimpse of the radioactive apocalyptic world, and Sarah Paulson’s new sinister character, the matriarch of an underground haven, announces that “It’s our world now, to reframe as we see fit…”

Ending with Kathy Bate’s praising “Hail Satan.”


They’ve also given us glimpse of Madison Montgomery’s (Emma Roberts, Coven) cavalier return.


So I don’t know about you, but I’m anxiously awaiting with sheer excitement to see how the storylines are going to crossover, so stay tuned for some entertaining commentary and spoilers as I discuss all of the dirty details from the new episodes, right here on American Horror-Scope.

About the author

Jordan White

Jordan White

Jordan White is an editorial assistant at Adventure Publishing Group. She writes for the Pop Insider and the Toy Insider, and contributes to the leading toy industry magazine The Toy Book. When she's not binge-watching every show on Investigation Discovery or the latest docu-series on Netflix, you can catch her going to concerts. She's obsessed with dinosaurs, and her spirit animal is a T. rex.
