This Friday, Universal Pictures will drop the first trailer for the ninth film in what’s now being dubbed “The Fast Saga.”
It might be Fast & Furious 9, or it could be Fast 9. It also might be F9 or F9: The Fast Saga, depending on which piece of marketing you happen to catch. While we should see some clarification on the film’s title when the trailer speeds online, what we do know is that Universal Brand Development and the LEGO Group have expanded their licensing partnership to include the Fast & Furious franchise.
On April 27, a LEGO Technic Fast & Furious set will be available globally. But, like the trailer, there really isn’t much more to say. The actual contents of the set and what type of car(s) will be included has not been revealed. Joe Lawandus, of Universal Brand Development, says “Fans across generations will love building the Fast & Furious car of their dreams with this LEGO Technic set.”
For now, we’ll just have to take his word for it and imagine that its contents are perhaps contained within the upcoming trailer.
Our epic trailer launch and concert in Miami for F9 is right around the corner. Can’t wait to show you on 1/31. All love.
❤️ this Tweet to receive F9 content from @TheFastSaga before the movie comes out in theaters 5/22.
— Vin Diesel (@vindiesel) January 24, 2020
Photo: Universal Pictures