
Photo: My San Antonio

MoviePass is ringing in the New Year with a whole new strategy: a three-tiered subscription system, according to Engadget.

The service—AKA the only reason you go to the movies anymore—will offer three different subscriptions plans ranging from $10 to $25 per month depending different areas of the U.S.

The Select plan continues the movie viewing service’s three-movie limit ranging from $10 to $15 per month based on geography. Subscribers get to choose from a limited selection of movies and days to view them.

The next tier up is the All-Access plan, which also keeps the three-movie limit. However, subscribers can see any movie they want, excluding 3-D, at participating theaters at any time at a price tag ranging from $15 to $20.

Although it’s the most expensive, the Red Carpet plan lets subscribers see three movies, including one IMAX, 3-D, or other large-format screening per month. The big-ticket monthly plan ranges from $20 to $25.

MoviePass will split the prices into three different zones ranging from the cheapest in bottom-tier markets, like the Midwest, to top-tier, such as New York or Los Angeles. Subscribers in Zone 1 have access to the lowest pricing while Zone 2 subscribers can choose the Select or All-Access plans for $3 extra and Red Carpet for $2 extra. Meanwhile, subscribers in Zone 3 are left with the highest prices.

To avoid scaring off too many customers, the service launched a limited-time holiday offer. Starting today, customers can purchase yearly subscriptions of the All-Access plan for $120 per 12 months and $99 for two or more. If they opt for the Red Carpet plan, customers can subscribe for $150 for 12 months or $140 for two or more.

MoviePass’ goal is to break even on ticket costs—a feat the company failed to accomplish with its original business model. Customers actually caused the movie-going service to lose money every time they used the app following the drop in service prices last year.

The change-up follows significant price drops in recent years, falling from $50 to $35 and then, to its lowest price last year. Now, MoviePass must sit back and wait to see which customers still find the service the bang for their buck they hoped for.

h/t Engadget

About the author

Victoria Rosenthal

Victoria Rosenthal

Victoria Rosenthal is an editorial/office assistant at Adventure Publishing Group. She helps the office with its day-to-day needs, whether that's contributing and editing content for the The Toy Book, The Toy Insider, and The Pop Insider, helping manage Adventure Publishing Group's social media accounts, or setting up hundreds of toys! Scouting and testing out awesome new board and card games with friends is Victoria's jam, but hand her a PlayStation controller during a game of Crash Bandicoot, and don’t expect to get a turn. Don't forget to say, “Hello!” when you call the office!
