Try to pull yourself together (and find your super suit!) among all of the action-packed excitement! An all-new LEGO The Incredibles game is coming based on both The Incredibles and The Incredibles 2, and we are SUPER excited for this one.

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, TT Games, The LEGO Group, Disney and Pixar, have all teamed up to launch LEGO The Incredibles, a new video game where players take control of their favorite Incredibles characters in scenes and action sequences from both Disney•Pixar films, The Incredibles and the upcoming Incredibles 2.

The game encourages players to work together by combining the Parr family’s abilities and unique powers to conquer crime and family life in a LEGO world full of fun and humor. LEGO The Incredibles will be available for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation4, Xbox One, and PC on June 15, the same day Incredibles 2 opens in theaters nationwide.

In the game, players explore story levels and a hub world, including Municiberg and Nomanisan Island, as they use their unique super abilities to bring the city’s villains to justice.

Gamers can assemble incredible LEGO builds either on their own or team up with family and friends in two player co-op mode for twice the fun.

Watch the trailer below!

This update was originally published on the Toy Insider.

About the author

Maddie Michalik

Maddie Michalik

Maddie Michalik is the senior editor at the Pop Insider, best known as the resident Insta Queen, where she fuels her geeky heart with the latest entertainment and pop culture news. She travels to different stations in the U.S. and Canada to show all her fav products on TV! Maddie is also an editor at the Toy Insider, the leading consumer holiday gift guide and toy review and news website, and serves as the editor-in-chief of leading trade magazine The Toy Book and weekly e-newsletter Toy Report, keeping the toy industry up to date with the latest happenings. Her love for consuming media is surpassed only by her love creating it (especially when she gets to talk about her favorite things). She is a Leslie Knope in training, and you can often find her rereading the Harry Potter series with a cup of coffee in her hand and patiently waiting for the next season of Brooklyn Nine-Nine. See more of Maddie on Twitter and Instagram @MaddieMichalik.
