Before fall arrives — and with it, Sir Patrick Stewart’s return to his role as Jean-Luc Picard on Star Trek: Picard — be sure to relive his most iconic moments with this new six-disc set of Star Trek: The Next Generation movies and TV episodes.
Beginning on Oct. 15, CBS Home Entertainment will release Star Trek: Picard Movie & TV Collection on Blu-ray. The six-disc set will include all four Star Trek: The Next Generation movies and two feature-length TV episodes. This set will include Generations, First Contact, Insurrection, and Nemesis, as well as popular episodes “The Best of Both Worlds” and “Chain of Command.”

The set will also include more than 10 hours of special features, such as cast and crew commentaries, behind-the-scenes and character/actor featurettes, gag reels guaranteed to make you laugh, bonus deleted scenes, and episode promos.
Inside each DVD set, the sky’s the limit. Fans can find an exclusive, 16-page Star Trek comic book from IDW Publishing to read.

Ahead of Picard’s fall release on CBS All Access, this disc set will also be available in the UK, Australia, and Germany in late October and early November.
Photo: CBS