Photo: Sky News

It’s an important clarification: New Buffy the Vampire Slayer content is going to be a sequel, not a reboot.

News broke earlier this week that Buffy is coming back as a reboot, but showrunner and head writer Monica Owunsu-Breen quickly took to Twitter to set the facts straight with quite an ~*~ominous~*~ message.

“There is only one Buffy… But here we are, twenty years later… And the world seems a lot scarier. So maybe, it could be time to meet a new Slayer…” she wrote.

Owunsu-Breen also wrote that she can’t share any other details for now, so the only other info we have on the sequel is a small taste producers on the project revealed: “Like our world, it will be richly diverse, and like the original, some aspects of the series could be seen as metaphors for issues facing us all today.”

While no casting decisions have yet been made—including whether we’ll see any of the original cast—an African American actress will take on the lead role. Fox will pitch the reboot to cable and streaming services this summer, but we suspect this won’t be a hard one to pick up.

About the author

Maddie Michalik

Maddie Michalik

Maddie Michalik is the senior editor at the Pop Insider, best known as the resident Insta Queen, where she fuels her geeky heart with the latest entertainment and pop culture news. She travels to different stations in the U.S. and Canada to show all her fav products on TV! Maddie is also an editor at the Toy Insider, the leading consumer holiday gift guide and toy review and news website, and serves as the editor-in-chief of leading trade magazine The Toy Book and weekly e-newsletter Toy Report, keeping the toy industry up to date with the latest happenings. Her love for consuming media is surpassed only by her love creating it (especially when she gets to talk about her favorite things). She is a Leslie Knope in training, and you can often find her rereading the Harry Potter series with a cup of coffee in her hand and patiently waiting for the next season of Brooklyn Nine-Nine. See more of Maddie on Twitter and Instagram @MaddieMichalik.
