People often think of raccoons as pesky creatures rifling through trash and making a mess in the driveway. I have vivid memories of a raccoon family living in my yard that would try to follow me inside every time I opened the back door of my childhood home.
Though you might not want to get up close and personal enough to see raccoons in the wild, trash pandas need love, too, and they actually are pretty adorable. Here’s a look at the cutest ‘coons living their best lives on Instagram.
Best IG Model: Pumpkin (@pumpkintheraccoon)
Pumpkin the rescued Bahamian raccoon has a whopping 1.5 million followers. Yes, MILLION. She lives in the sunny Bahamas with her puppy friends, and she knows how to work the camera better than any Bachelor reject hawking flat tummy tea and hair vitamins.
Most Snuggly: June and Waffles (@parisandjunecoon)
June and Waffles can fall asleep anywhere, anytime—kind of like me. Look for photos of them cuddling up on couches, lounging in sinks, and swaddled in blankets for the cutest raccoon burrito you’ll ever see.
Most Talented: Tito (@titotheraccoon)
Tito can truly do it all, including solving a Rubik’s cube, painting colorful works of art (that you can purchase), and mastering Transfiguration quicker than Neville Longbottom. He’d put all of us to shame at any talent show—and you can watch it all unfold on his Instagram!
Funniest: Roxxi (@roxxiraccoon)
Roxxi is bursting with personality and her page is the perfect reflection of that, with funny captions that bring her photos to life and plenty of videos to capture her crazy antics.
Most Playful: Henry (@henrytheraccooon)
Eating a bowl of cereal at the kitchen table, doing the dishes, and checking emails may sound like a typical Monday morning, but it’s a little more amusing when it’s Henry the Raccoon doing it. After looking at all his photos, you might find yourself wanting to rescue a raccoon of your own.
Class Clown: Bucket (@bucketthetrashpanda)
Bucket is a riot, from the way she sits like a human to watch her owners play video games to her hilarious captions. She’ll definitely add some pizazz to your Insta feed.
Most Heart Warming Story: Jonathon (@jonathontheraccoon)
Jonathon’s humans rescued him after his raccoon mother was hit by a car and killed. He likely wouldn’t have survived in the wild as an orphan, but now he gets to play with his puppy friend, Roxy, who helps take care of him.
Pudgiest: Tema (@raccoon.tema)
Tema is the most popular raccoon in Russia with 147k followers to spare! While the captions are not in English, look for daily photos and videos of this pudgy fur baby.
Best Role Model: Kya (@kyathetrashpanda)
Kya lives with her adoptive parents in Portland, Ore., where she has her own amazing playroom to keep her busy. She recently got a pet kitty named Meelo, who she’s training to be her furry little minion. They even kind of look alike too!
Sleepiest ‘Coon: RoxZ (@roxzraccoon)
The most difficult part of RoxZ’s day is deciding whether to nap on the couch or the hammock. Call her lazy if you want, but maybe you’re just jealous that she gets to spend all day catching up on her zzz’s.